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Ingo Maurer und Team, YaYaHo, 1984. Foto: Ingo Maurer GmbH
15/11/2019 - 18/10/2020

Ingo Maurer Intim. Design or what?


With the exhibition “Ingo Maurer intim. Design or what?” (Ingo Maurer intimately. Design or what?) Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum is presenting the work of internationally renowned lighting designer Ingo Maurer who was the worthy recipient of many accolades. The exhibition introduces the viewer to Maurer’s fascinating world of light and shade.

Ingo Maurer (1932 Island of Reichenau, Lake Constance – 2019 Munich) devoted himself almost exclusively to light since 1966, and with his “Bulb” luminaire produced his first, famous statement in the form of an iconic light bulb. Since that time, he and his team in his Munich workshop have been developing complex, ingenious, and elaborate light objects and lighting concepts for both private and public spaces as well as spectacular one-offs.

In the person of Ingo Maurer and his team - following on from Konstantin Grcic, Werner Aisslinger, Hella Jongerius & Louise Schouwenberg and Friedrich von Borries - we are continuing our series on contemporary positions in design in the Paternoster Hall; ever since 2015, each year Die Neue Sammlung - The Design Museum has been inviting international protagonists of design to present their ideas here.

Ingo Maurer, Bulb, 1966. Design M, München. Foto: Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum (A. Laurenzo)
Ingo Maurer, Bulb, 1966. Design M, München. Foto: Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum (A. Laurenzo)

Planning your visit

Open today till 6.00 pm

Ein Symbol für eine Uhr, die die Öffnungszeiten anzeigt.

Opening Hours

Daily 10.00 – 18.00
Thursday 10.00 – 20.00
Monday closed

Ein Symbol, das den Standort anzeigt


Pinakothek der Moderne
Barer Straße 40
80333 München

Admission prices (Inclusive opening hours )

Sunday admission 1€

Thursday – Saturday 10€
reduced 7€
Day pass (Alte Pinakothek, Pinakothek der Moderne, Museum Brandhorst, Sammlung Schack) 12€

Duration of the visit

ca. 60 minutes


information here

Further visitor information

More information about your visit
Ingo Maurer mit seiner Leuchte „What We Do Counts“, 2015. Foto: Tom Vack
Ingo Maurer mit seiner Leuchte „What We Do Counts“, 2015. Foto: Tom Vack

Maurer’s international breakthrough came 1984 with his novel lighting system “YaYaHo”, one of the first low-voltage wire systems for halogen reflector lamps. To this day, many of his luminaires are well-known the world over, among them “Zettel’z” (1997), which users can partly design themselves. His “EL.E.DEE” (2001) is considered the very first LED table lamp – and in 2008 together with the Osram company he devised “Early Future”, the world’s first mass-produced OLED luminaire.


Ingo Maurer, Porca Miseria!, 1994. Foto: Stefan Geisbauer
Ingo Maurer, Porca Miseria!, 1994. Foto: Stefan Geisbauer

“Ingo Maurer intim” alludes to how Ingo Maurer saw his work. In close and trusting collaboration with his team, Maurer developed each step from the initial sketch to the final product to the sales process. “Design or what?” alludes to the exciting interaction of design, art, and architecture. Because with Maurer’s objects the question often arises of how, if at all, they can be pigeonholed in terms of style. This gave Maurer a great deal of freedom as no one discipline had clear expectations of what he would create.


Open in lightboxIngo Maurer + Team, Oop’s, 2019. Foto: Tom Vack
Ingo Maurer + Team, Oop’s, 2019.
Open in lightboxIngo Maurer + Team, Torre Velasca Blu, 2019. Foto: Tom Vack
Ingo Maurer + Team, Torre Velasca Blu, 2019.
Open in lightboxIngo Mauerer, EL.E.DEE, 2001. Foto: Tom Vack
Ingo Mauerer, EL.E.DEE, 2001.
Open in lightboxIngo Maurer + Team, Silver Cloud, 2019. Foto: Simon Koy
Ingo Maurer + Team, Silver Cloud, 2019.
Open in lightboxIngo Maurer + Team, Ringelpiez, 2017. Foto: Tom Vack
Ingo Maurer + Team, Ringelpiez, 2017.
Ingo Maurer, Luccelino Table, 1992. Foto: Ingo Maurer GmbH
Ingo Maurer, Luccelino Table, 1992. Foto: Ingo Maurer GmbH

Everyday life as inspiration

This scope can be seen from his versatility and open mind, his special application of porcelain, plastic, paper or gold – and his use of technological novelties of the day, such as halogen lamps or OLED. Alongside the materials and technology, quite unspectacular moments in everyday life serve as his inspiration when conjuring up new lighting situations.
A joy in experimentation and playfulness are to be sensed in his works, which span the entire spectrum of elegance, simplicity, mannerism, construction, and humor. The latter is reflected in his preferred use of witty and onomatopoetic product names that draw on different languages.

In the final instance, it is not form that takes the foreground in his pieces, but the quality of light and its impact on people and the particular space involved. Maurer creates emotion and mood and seeks a symbiosis of technology and poetry.

In the person of Ingo Maurer and his team – following on from Konstantin Grcic, Werner Aisslinger, Hella Jongerius & Louise Schouwenberg and Friedrich von Borries – we are continuing our series on contemporary positions in design in the Paternoster Hall; ever since 2015, each year Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum has been inviting international protagonists of design to present their ideas here.

The exhibition will be accompanied by a publication brought out by Koenig Books and designed by Petra Lüer / Wigel. In May 2019 Ingo Maurer realized his “Pendulum”, a site-specific installation for the rotunda at Pinakothek der Moderne, and it remains on show until February 2020.

Ingo Maurer, Zettel’z 5, 1997. Foto: Ingo Maurer GmbH
Ingo Maurer, Zettel’z 5, 1997. Foto: Ingo Maurer GmbH

Accompanying Program

Dr. Xenia Riemann-Tyroller
Treffpunkt: Pinakothek der Moderne
MI 04.12.2019, 15.00
DO 13.02.2020, 18.30
DO 08.10.2020, 18.30

Andrea Czermak M.A., Die Neue Sammlung
Dr. Friedemann Steck,
Evang. Studentengemeinde (LMU)
Treffpunkt: Pinakothek der Moderne
DO 09.01.2020, 17.30

In deutscher Gebärdensprache
Hellen Wollstein-Gouba M.A.
Treffpunkt: Pinakothek der Moderne
SO 16.02.2020, 10.30

STADTFÜHRUNGEN mit Team Ingo Maurer
Termine 2020 unter

Bulb or what? – Designworkshop
mit Enrica Ferrucci / ichbaumit
Treffpunkt: Pinakothek der Moderne
SO 29.03.2020, 10.00 – 13.00
Ingo Maurer ist ein Lichtgestalter, der immer um die Ecke denkt und dem die Ideen nie ausgehen. In der Ausstellung sehen wir raffinierte Technologien und unerwartete Materialien, leuchtende Gartenschläuche, Geschirr oder Tapeten aber auch die ganz einfache Glühbirne. Mit ihr hat sich Ingo Maurer schon besonders viel beschäftigt. Das sieht einfach aus, ist es aber nicht – genauso wie seine Antwort auf die Frage: „Was könnte man denn noch mit der Glühbirne anfangen?“ Er sagt: „Man kann sie schwarz anmalen und Zeichnungen hineinritzen.“

Wir nehmen die Herausforderung an in einem ganz besonderen praktischen Workshop.
Für Kinder und Jugendliche von 8 bis 12 Jahren
Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl
Getränk, Brotzeit bitte selber mitbringen.
Der Workshop ist kostenlos.


Rosa Carole Rodeck M.A.
MI 11.3.2020, 20.00
Carl-Amery-Saal, Gasteig
Veranstaltungsnr. K217030

Andrea Czermak M.A.
MI 18.3.2020, 20.00
Carl-Amery-Saal, Gasteig
Veranstaltungsnr. K217040

Rosa Carole Rodeck M.A.
SO 15.3.2020, 14.00 / Kursnr. K213010
SO 19.4.2020, 11.00 / Kursnr. K213020

Andrea Czermak M.A.
SO 2.8.2020, 11.00 / Kursnr. K213030
SO 6.9.2020 , 11.00 / Kursnr. K213040

Anmeldung ab 01.02.2020 unter:
oder telefonisch: +49 (0)89 480066239

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