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14/10/2020 - 06/06/2021

The Architecture Machine The Role of Computers in Architecture


Computers have become an integral part of our everyday lives. Whether in the office, at the cash register in the supermarket, or in the living room—bits and bytes are now part of almost all technical devices. Today, computers are also the norm in architectural practices, aiding the design as well as the visualization of new projects. They have become “architecture machines.” For the first time in the German-speaking world, the exhibition takes a comprehensive look at digital development in architecture. From its beginnings in the 1950s and 1960s to the present day, the architecture museum tells this exciting story in four chapters and presents the computer as a drawing machine, a design tool, a storytelling medium, and an interactive communication platform. The fundamental question behind it is simple: has the computer changed architecture, and if so, how?

More information and videos about the exhibition on the A.M. website

Keiichi Matsuda, Hyper-Reality, 2016
Keiichi Matsuda, Hyper-Reality, 2016 © Keiichi Matsuda
Richard Junge, slide collection of the Chair of Architectural Informatics at TUM
Richard Junge, slide collection of the Chair of Architectural Informatics at TUM © Architekturmuseum der TUM

The Architecture Machine

Planning your visit

Open today till 6.00 pm

Eine Uhr, die die Zeit anzeigt

Opening Hours

Daily 10.00 – 18.00
Thursday 10.00 – 20.00
Monday closed

Ein Symbol, das den Standort anzeigt


Pinakothek der Moderne
Barer Straße 40
80333 München
Ein Symbol mit dem Buchstaben "i" innerhalb eines Kreises

Further visitor information

More information about your visit


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Trees, Time, Architecture!
Design in Constant Transformation
4 Museums – 1 Modernism
4 Museums – 1 Modernism
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City in the Cloud: Data on the Ground
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