Inclusion · Intercultural
ArtTime – a format for communicating art in Munich’s museums – is intended for persons with dementia, their relatives and nursing care facilities.
In museum visits, which are individually adapted to meet the particular needs of the visiting group, we offer lively, sensory approaches to enable the appreciation of selected works and objects.
Coming to the museum gives persons dependent on care the chance to remember and enjoy a change to their daily routine.
Booking and more informations:
Art International
Audio-Guided Tours
Our audio-guided tours are intended especially, but not exclusively, for persons with visual impairments.
They are invited to engage with selected artworks by listening to the audio-guide. This way, they can experience the atmosphere in the museum with their ears. On arrival, they will be met at the Info desk in the Rotunda of the Pinakothek der Moderne.
Yes, we’re open! – Open Workshop
On every first Saturday of the month our workshop is open to all those interested – and free of charge. Regardless of background, language or age – always at the forefront of our activities is the experience of working together creatively in a relaxed atmosphere. Changing themes and techniques – such as small discovery tours into the realms of art, design, architecture and works on paper are there to inspire us.
For families with children above the age of 7, youth, both young and mature adults, and senior citizens.
This initiative is made possible through funding from the foundation BNP Paribas Stiftung and with the kind support of the PIN. Friends of the Pinakothek der Moderne e.V.
Every first Saturday of the month · 2 pm to 5 pm · No registration required. Participation free.
Yes, we’re open! –Art-Work-Room
Every Friday, around 3 pm, our inter-cultural programme provides you with the opportunity to encounter people from a range of different backgrounds, languages and experience. Following a playful getting-to-know-you session, we are then ready to be inspired by the works from the four collections in turn. And, afterwards, we try out for ourselves a variety of artistic techniques. ART is the starting point for creating a joint WORK and so opening up ROOM to enjoy an inter-cultural exchange of ideas. Participation and admission are free of charge!
This is made possible through funding from the foundation BNP Paribas Stiftung and with the kind support of PIN. Friends of the Pinakothek der Moderne e.V.
Fridays · 3 pm to 5.30 pm · Registration:
Guided Tours in Sign Language
For both deaf visitors and those with hearing we offer guided tours for the public on changing themes that are held simultaneously in German sign language.
Discover current exhibitions and the art classics of the modern age. Groups can book guided tours in German sign language through our visitor service.